Song of the Day: April 6, 2024

Song of the Day: April 6, 2024

I felt like diving into some old ’60s-era British R&B and ended up listening to the debut by a Chicago band! The Shadows of Knight are best known for their cover of Them’s “Gloria,” and that song defines the sound on their 1966 debut album of the same name. They were an American band focused on imitating the British blues rock of bands like The Rolling Stones, Them, and The Pretty Things. They didn’t do anything groundbreaking in this style of music, but they are as talented as their more famous contemporaries, and the songs on this album are all fine examples of that sound. “Oh Yeah” is a Bo Diddley cover, although they made it their own and it doesn’t sound anything like the original. It was my favorite on the record as soon as I heard it. It’s raw energy is fantastic, and I would hold it up against some of the better known tracks by their British contemporaries. Music of this type was about to disappear quickly from the pop music scene after 1966, but The Shadows of Knight were able to get out a solid release before the change occurred.

To learn more about the band, check out their Facebook page.

To listen to all of the songs of the day, check out the Radio Faux Show Song of the Day playlist.

3 thoughts on “Song of the Day: April 6, 2024

  1. Thanks for the introduction to this band! Their song “It Always Happens That Way” played next and also caught my ear, so I’m heading to Spotify to check them out.

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